Todo Q Task/Todo List

製作者:Bain Labs
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This quality to do list filters your Google Tasks based on your current location. Instead of having many lists, just let Todo Q manage it for you. Includes a home screen widget for a quick look at your task list.
Easy location lookup utilizing the familiar Google Places API.
Supports repeatings tasks with daily, weekday, weekly, monthly, and yearly periods. Plus supports intervals like every 2 days, 3 weeks, 4 months, etc.
Time & location alarms including a time bound location alarm that minimizes GPS usage.
Advanced time management features, custom reminders, custom sorting & filtering.
Locations can be searched by address, name, contact, Foursquare lookup.
Find a location
- by address such as “123 Austin St. Dallas, TX”
- name, such as “Walmart” or “Target” using Google Places API integration
- by contact including facebook contacts
Syncs with Google Calendar and Google Tasks
Todo list icon from contact, location, task, or none
Custom icons from sdcard
Adjustable location alarm range
Temporarily suspend and restore alarms for nighttime or meetings
Send tasks to anyone using SMS or directly to another Todo Q user via the Todo Q hub.
Tested on Android 3.0 on Xoom.
Works fine on tablets supporting Holographic theme.
todo list to do list task list shopping list goal planning gtd gps covey sms to-do
To Mr. KISS:
I'm trying to KISS. You didn't contact me and I can't reply directly to a comment. The Foursquare integration has been replaced with Google Places and works perfectly. I am always trying to improve usability, but I need input from users. Thanks for giving me a 1-star rating instead taking the 5 seconds to email me.
- Fixed crash when no location providers enabled.
- Fixed several date/time issues in editor.
- Fixed wrong start date and all day indicator issues after Google Task update.
- Fixed due date not synchronizing with Google Tasks.
- Fixed editor display issue on Honeycomb.
- Fixed 24 hr date format issue.
- Preference to enable automatic Google Calendar synchronization.
- Displays DateTime according to device settings.
- Editor Locations button shows dialog when no locations exist.
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