
製作者:Sprout Technology
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Because business card scanners don’t work. Humans do.
BizCardArmy digitizes business cards to connect with your contacts right away. Have many paper cards that you need to contact? Try BizcardArmy. Unlike card scanners, BizCardArmy digitizes business cards by using real workers around the world that transcribe and review each card. We guarantee 24 hour turnaround (usually less than an hour) and 100% accuracy.
How it works?
BizCardArmy converts your paper cards into valuable contacts in 3 steps!
1. Upload business card images via iPhone or email.
2. Humans digitize your cards and return the contacts to your account with 100% accuracy within 24 hours(usually less than an hour).
3. Connect with your contacts! Access your contacts online or from your iPhone and export them to your webmail, address book or CRM.
Why BizCardArmy?
* BizcardArmy is easy to get paper cards into valuable contacts on your iPhone.
* Card Scanners don’t work. Humans do. BizcardArmy uses human workers.
* Card delivered to your account within 24 hours (usually less than an hour) and with 100% accuracy.
* BizcardArmy respects you and your contact privacy. We never share your contacts. Our workers also agree with the privacy agreement. Only you own your cards.
Tips for taking better pictures with BizCardArmy iPhone App
1. Place business cards on flat surface
2. Hold the iPhone right above the card
3. Once the image is in focus, click to save the image.
4. Check the image clarity. If you can’t read it, our workers can’t either.
5. Send to BizcardArmy.
Try it. Provide us feedback. Refer BizcardArmy to friends to earn free credits!