Kyodo News by Kijizo

カテゴリ:ニュース、天気、株式, 学習・就職・書籍
製作者:EAST Co., Ltd.
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Kyodo News is now available for iPhone/iPod touch.
Every day you receive approximately 150 news articles and photos from Japan. This news application may be very helpful if you need to know what is happening in Japan now.
* The price is for a 3-month subscription.
* The latest version fixes the problem which is encountered in the following situations.
1. Switch between the standard and the landscape modes
2. Close this application while the data is being downloaded and start the application again
■ Kyodo News in English
- The categories of news articles consist of TOP News, Latest News Summary, Politics, Economy/Business, Market, Asia, Crime/Accidents, Sports, Life and Science/Tech.
- When there are special events such as elections or the Olympic Games, new categories might be added.
- The average number of news articles and photos distributed daily is about 150. The actual number varies according to the day.
- The subscription lasts for three months from the date when you first launch the application. Once expired, a new subscription is needed.
- The news articles available in the past 24 hours will be retrieved by an update.
- The news articles that can be saved are those retrieved within the past 72 hours (3 days).
- The Japanese version is also available as a different application.
■ Functions & features
- You can move among news articles by flicking.
- When you turn the iPhone on its side it switches to the landscape mode and photos are displayed in Cover Flow. You can enlarge photos in Cover Flow with a tap.
- An auto update when started or a manual update within the application retrieves the latest news.
- The caching enables you to see news articles offline.
- The Home icon displays the number of unread news articles.
- You can switch to display either unread articles only or all the articles.
- You can specify whether each of the categories are displayed or hidden.
「身近な日本でのできごとが、英語ではどのように表現されるのか?」 日々の仕事で英語が必要なビジネスパーソンや、日本の話題で時事英語に触れたい英語学習者にもお勧めします。
・記事のジャンルは「TOP News」「Latest News Summary」「Politics」「Economy /Business」「Market」「Society」「Asia」「Crime/Accidents」「Sports」」「Life」「Science/Tech」で構成。選挙、オリンピックなどのイベントがある場合は、ジャンルが追加される場合があります。