IMetal Ball
IMetal Ball is a classic Labyrinth Game. The IMetal Ball has a wonderful environment which makes the player experience to the next Level of playing the Labyrinth game. In the IMetal Ball game there… 続きを読む»
iRubyKaigi 2010
iRubyKaigi2010は、2010年8月27日から29日まで、つくば国際会議場(茨城県つくば市)で開催される日本Ruby会議2010のセッション情報を閲覧するiPhone/iPod touchアプリケーションです。 日本Ruby会議2010については… 続きを読む»
iWork 09: The Missing Manual
By Josh Clark Published by O'Reilly Media (http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596157586/) With iWork '09, Apple's productivity applications have come of age. Unfortunately, their user guides are stuck… 続きを読む»
iRemote PPT
Control your PowerPoint presentation with your iPhone. - Complete control of your PowerPoint presentation including animations Requirement: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7, any version of Pow… 続きを読む»
JumiPresenter – Powerpoint remote control for every ppt
★★★★★ Jumi apps were featured on: CNET, AppShouter, Geekanoids, Your Wise Guys, SolidSmack, Tech Chick, and many other press, reviewers & bloggers Turns your iPhone/iPod into a remote control for … 続きを読む»
iNumKey for Excel
iNumKey - 数字(Excel)キーパッド 便利な Excel 編集のための =, (, ) AZERTY keyboard layout supported. =(_ : '='key and '('key input =_( : move left after '='key and '('key input )[enter] : enter af… 続きを読む»
Japanese Daily Word!
Japanese Daily Word provides you with a new Japanese vocabulary word every day. Studying 1 word a day is a fun way to improve your vocabulary with little effort. Use Japanese Daily Word every day … 続きを読む»
Japanese Word of the Day
*** FREE *** A new Japanese word every single day with pronunciation, meaning and native speaker AUDIO for each word. For 1000s more Japanese words, search for Declan Software's Japanese FLASHCARDS… 続きを読む»
JLPT N1単語例解練習 Lite
日本語能力試験一級(JPLT N1)単語練習用ソフト(ライト版)。 ・単語の読み方は四つ大きいボタンで操作しやすい! ・単語の用例を提示して覚えやすい! ・正解なら拍手という音になり、止めさせないように頑張り… 続きを読む»
iPronto To Do
iPronto to do manager helps you make sense of your busy life by allowing you to put in order your daily tasks. Quickly and easily enter and organize your life by creating a simple to do list. iPron… 続きを読む»