Business Card OCR Scanner
State of the art App that uses a picture/image of a business card to convert it into text so you can automatically transfer it to your iPhone contacts or by email. 続きを読む»
ScanCard – Business Card Scanner(Promo Version)
Promotion price: $1.99 ScanCard turns your device's camera into a business card reader. Now with contact synchronization to the cloud. Features: 1] Fast and accurate character recognition 2] B… 続きを読む»
ScanCard – Business Card Scanner (European Version)
Promotion price is only $3.99 (Original Price $5.99) ScanCard turns camera phone into a business card reader features: *Support iPhone 3G/3GS/4G . for iPhone 3G use, macro zoom lens needed *… 続きを読む»
HotCard–Business Card Reader (English) Lite Version
Compatible for IOS 2G/3G/3GS/4G iPhone Business Card Reader (BCR) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools This lite version allows your business card to be recognized freely, but limited o… 続きを読む»
HotCard–Business Card Recognition (CN+EU+EN) Lite Version
iPhone Business Card Reader (BCR) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools This lite version allows your business card to be recognized freely, but limited only export 5 recognized data int… 続きを読む»
ScanCard – Business Card Scaner (European Lite Version)
ScanCard turns your phone into a business card reader. This free version synchronize automatically your contact to the cloud (aipim). Features: 1] Accurate character recognition. 2] Cloud synchro… 続きを読む»
Business Card OCR Scanner Lite
State of the art App that uses a picture/image of a business card to convert it into text so you can automatically transfer it to your iPhone contacts or by email. Look at the screenshots! Downlo… 続きを読む»
女性向けの雑誌やテレビ、芸能人たちのブログ等々、様々な媒体で紹介された「ハッピーデコレーション」! 「ハッピーデコレーション」は誰でも簡単に素敵なケーキを作って、大切な人をお祝いできるアプリです!! ◆… 続きを読む»
ワイン手帳 LITE
「ワイン手帳」のLITEバージョンです。 続きを読む»
夢が勝手にかなう手帳 for iPhone
脳機能学者/カーネギーメロン大学博士の苫米地英人が考案した手帳アプリです。脳の機能をうまく使って夢を自動的に実現することを可能にします。 このアプリは、大好評を博した『夢が勝手にかなう手帳』の電子版… 続きを読む»