Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007: Data Analysis and Business Modeling
By Wayne L. Winston Published by Microsoft Press (http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780735623965) Master the analysis and business modeling techniques that help you transform your data into bottom-line … 続きを読む»
Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks
Even experienced users of Microsoft Excel need a quick refresher course from time to time. Microsoft Excel Tips and Tricks is designed to address that need. Use it as a quick reference for topics yo… 続きを読む»
Excel 2010. Полный обзор
Аудиокнига по Microsoft Excel 2010 расскажет Вам о большинстве функций программы и поможет разобраться в ее многочисленных тонкостях. С помощью книги вы научитесь работать с листами и книгами, вводи… 続きを読む»
Learn Excel
A collection of 24 easy to follow video lessons on how to use and learn excel. Lessons include: Overview Get Started Calculations Functions Number Formats Formatting Pt.1 Formatting Pt.2 Formatti… 続きを読む»
Microsoft Excel 2010 – Mastering in 24h
Microsoft Excel 2010 - Mastering in 24h is the easiest way to HELP you getting up to SPEED on Microsoft Excel 2010 like never before! A streamlined interior with large font and screenshots, … 続きを読む»
Microsoft Word 2010 – Mastering in 24h
Microsoft Word 2010 - Mastering in 24h is the easiest way to HELP you getting up to SPEED on Microsoft Word 2010 like never before! A streamlined interior with large font and screenshots, … 続きを読む»
●概要 「日経ビジネス・5ミニッツ」(Nikkei Business in 5minutes)は、経済・経営情報誌「日経ビジネス」、ウェブサイト「日経ビジネスオンライン」(http://business.nikkeibp.co.jp/)の最新記事や人気コンテンツ… 続きを読む»
Yahoo!リクナビ リクナビNEXT
Yahoo!リクナビの社会人のための総合転職サイト「リクナビNEXT」のアプリケーションです。「リクナビNEXT」に掲載されている求人情報の検索と詳細情報の閲覧、企業への応募に欠かせない「自己PR文」の作成ができま… 続きを読む»
「ビジネスシアター 〜挑み続けるトップからのメッセージ〜」は、過酷なビジネスの世界に戦いを挑みつづけるトップ、そしてプロジェクトチームを追うビジネスドキュメンタリー番組を、アクトビラ、iPadアプリ、iP… 続きを読む»
MicroMemo Lite
MicroMemo is a fun new way of managing tasks, jotting down notes and making lock screens. Its focus is to make organizing interesting, easy and efficient. MicroMemo offers a streamlined interface f… 続きを読む»