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《星洲伴我行》是〈星洲網〉編製的iphone新聞資訊平台,讀者可每日查閱多達12個分類的資訊,受推薦的四大分類是:即時新聞、圖話故事、娛樂視頻、專題新聞。 〈圖話故事〉將精選全球各地的新聞圖片,包括軟性和有趣的圖片,是星洲網站甚受歡迎的一個品種。 星洲網是馬來西亞最大的華文媒體集團─星洲媒體的主要新聞門戶網站,合作伙伴遍佈亞洲(東南亞和中港台)與北美洲各地。星洲媒體的產品與服務包括:
"With Sin Chew Always" is an iPhone news app created by Sinchew-i. Users can access information from as many as 12 different categories, with the top four recommended categories being: breaking news, photo stories, entertainment channel and feature news.
Photo Stories features interesting pictures from across the globe, and is currently one of our most popular sites.
Sinchew-i is the principal portal for Sin Chew Media Corporation, Malaysia's largest Chinese-language media organization, with partners from across Asia (Southeast Asia, Greater China), North America, etc. Sin Chew Media Corporation's products and services include:
◆Newspaper: Sin Chew Daily
◆Mobile: Sin Chew News Alerts
◆iPhone: With Sin Chew Always