ドキュメント・ファイル管理 : iPhoneアプリ一覧
Microsoft Office HotKey
This App is Microsoft Office Keyboard ShortCuts(Hotkeys). 1. Office Word Hotkeys. 2. Office Excel Hotkeys. 3. Office PowerPoint Hotkeys. 4. Office Access Hotkeys. 5. Office Outlook Hotkeys. Support… 続きを読む»
1 for all Remote Presenter
Control your presentation remotely from your iPhone or iPod touch whether you use Apple Keynote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Switch, Safari or other display software. Warning: to use this,… 続きを読む»
Roambi – Visualizer
The Pulse of Your Business, In the Palm of Your Hand. Roambi interactive mobile dashboards let you tap, turn and swipe to analyze and share your company’s latest information on any iPhone or iPad… 続きを読む»
Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Plain & Simple
By Curtis D. Frye Published by Microsoft Press (http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780735627277) Get the guide that makes learning Microsoft Excel 2010 plain and simple! This full color, no-nonsense book … 続きを読む»
Microsoft PowerPoint2010
В офисный пакет Microsoft Office всегда входила программа для создания презентаций Microsoft PowerPoint. С ее помощью можно легко и просто создать красивую презентацию своего доклада, позволяющую пр… 続きを読む»
Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007: Data Analysis and Business Modeling
By Wayne L. Winston Published by Microsoft Press (http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780735623965) Master the analysis and business modeling techniques that help you transform your data into bottom-line … 続きを読む»
Microsoft Word Tips & Tricks
Even experienced users of Microsoft Word need a quick refresher course from time to time. Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks is designed to address that need. Use it as a quick reference for topics you'… 続きを読む»
Powerpoint Basics
This app will guide you through the basics of Powerpoint. You will soon see many tips and tricks that will make your life easier and also your presentations will soon have that extra little sparkle… 続きを読む»
Discover PowerPoint 2007
Discover PowerPoint 2007 is an interactive E-Learning tool for users of Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. The Discover products combine audio, animation, and software simulation to make the “discove… 続きを読む»
File Sharing (プロフィール、共有、保存したドキュメント)
ファイルをコピーしたり共有したりするためにUSB記憶媒体をパソコンから他のパソコンへ移し変える必要はもはやありません。あなたの iPhone又はiPodがUSB記憶媒体の役目をしてくれます。 File Sharing がファイル… 続きを読む»
3秒でできる!エクセル即効ワザ 日経PC21編
*大人気書籍『3秒でできる!エクセル即効ワザ』(日経PC21刊)を元にしたエクセルリファレンス集アプリ!* 厳選されたエクセルの便利ワザを一冊に集約! 目的別に分類されているので、今までできなかったこと、や… 続きを読む»