スケジュール・タスク管理 : iPhoneアプリ一覧
夢が勝手にかなう手帳 for iPhone
脳機能学者/カーネギーメロン大学博士の苫米地英人が考案した手帳アプリです。脳の機能をうまく使って夢を自動的に実現することを可能にします。 このアプリは、大好評を博した『夢が勝手にかなう手帳』の電子版… 続きを読む»
ワイン手帳 LITE
「ワイン手帳」のLITEバージョンです。 続きを読む»
iTaskTimer Lite
iTaskTimerLiteはビジネスユーザ向けの時間管理アプリケーションです。 いつでもどこでもあなたの作業時間を計測します。 有料版との違いは、 ・Google Calendar連携なし ・Twitter連携なし ・アプリリンクあり … 続きを読む»
List Buddy ~ To-Do Checklist
List Buddy is the easiest and most flexible list creator ever. Create unlimited checklists & sublists for anything and everything! FLEXIBLE DESIGN -------------------------- List Buddy has been de… 続きを読む»
TapMeDo (free to-do with Push)
** The ONLY TASK MANAGER with FREE Push notifications now available! ** TapMeDo™ is the advanced yet easy to use to-do manager, for the demanding user and also for the less experienced. Finalist fo… 続きを読む»
Easy Note + To Do
Easy Note + To Do is a simple yet effective notes and to-do app. It provides good basic functionality with an attractive and clutter-free design. Features Organize notes in folders Check items … 続きを読む»
VoCal Voice Reminders. Remember to do everything (VoCal The Voice Calendar)
☆ Thousands of hours saved worldwide by not having to type ☆ Now with automatic Voice alerts. No need to touch your iOS device to listen Number 1 Business App in 9 countries Top 5 Business App in … 続きを読む»
Voice Reminders! (Remember to do everything – VoCal – The Voice Calendar)
☆ Thousands of hours saved worldwide by not having to type. ☆ Now with automatic Voice alerts. No need to touch your iOS device to listen Number 1 Business App in 9 countries Top 5 Business App i… 続きを読む»